
Семиклассники анализируют наш социальный проект "Мы хотим сделать детей счастливее".

Со времени английского Рождества и премьеры нашего благотворительного спектакля в детском доме прошёл уже целый месяц. Отшумели праздники, наступило время оценить сделанное. Я озадачила блистательную театральную труппу из 7 "Б" предложением сделать короткий анализ на английском языке нашего претворённого социального проекта, поделиться своими впечатлениями. И они успешно справились с заданием! Публикую эти короткие релизы наших ведущих актёров.

Аня Сычёва:
"At English class, we decided to make the project devoted to orphans. We wanted to make them happy! Our teacher is the main in this charity, she stubbornly helped us!
We decided to prepare for the children a concert about Christmas traditions in England. We ourselves were very interested to learn about them.
Preparation took a lot of time, we had to learn the role that the teacher gave us. And our parents helped to design the costumes.
We rehearsed hard and got ready for the Christmas concert. We met even on Sundays. Because we all wanted that everything would be good and interesting for children who had been waiting for us!
December 27, we went to the orphanage. We were very pleased. First, we repeated our roles several times, then rehearsed together.
We started and did not worry. Everything was going well. Children liked the concert. Our teacher was also happy for us. We were ivited to tea. We were happy that we could give a little happiness!
I think we all got a great experience. To give happiness to others is very nice. To do something important that is good. I loved to make people happy. And it was the act of kindness that I have done. Also I would like to thank our teacher It was a good idea to involve us in this project."

Артём Рязанов:
"At English lessons we discussed the problems of charity, and we decided to make our own charity project and our teacher asked us to play a charity performance at the orphanage on Christmas day. We liked This idea and we started to distribute the roles and we needed to find costumes and our parents helped us to do it. When we found the costumes and learned our roles, we had to rehearse every Sunday for four weeks we came to the school at 12 o’clock and were rehearsing for 2 and a half hours. At rehearsals, it was fun. We were learning and having a nice time. The teacher said that the show would be on December 27.
On December 27 at the English lesson was the last rehearsal before the concert we all were nervous a little. When we arrived at the orphanage we were greeted very warmly and we went into the hall where the performance must be shown. At last the concert began. Children listened attentively, though not everyone understood. After the concert was a tea party. Then we were taken home by bus. I think we played well, I had fun. During the project I got life experience. I think we made a small contribution to charity."

Варя Шилова:
At the English lesson we discussed the problem of charity. And we decided to make our own charity project.
We have done a lot. Chose a fairy tale. Learnt our roles. Sewed our costumes. Our parents really helped us. We worked not bad.
27th December
December 27. We went to the orphanage. We came and began to dress our costumes. After rehearsing everything from beginning to the end we called the kids. Performance went with applauding .And at the end of the show we gave the kids a gift - a large box of colorful New Year toys and colorful electric lights.
My opinion
This day I will remember forever. I liked it. And I got life experienced".

Александрина Бондаренко:
We want to make children happier!!!
"We decided with our class to show a Christmas tale for children from the Children’s home. We had a lot of targets. We wanted to make a contribution and make the world kinder.We wanted children to learn about Christmas and Christmas traditions in England. We had a lot to do. It was necessary to organize a party for children, to raise money and buy small presents. But the most important thing was to visit the children at the Children home and tell them about Christmas. Project preparation was hard. Everyone tried, learned the roles and Christmas songs, invented the original costumes. Before the show we had the last rehearsal. During the show, all tried and performance was excellent. I liked to take part in the project. I've got the experience and I am glad that I was able to make a contribution".

Илья Лобода:
Our charity concert.
"I will remember this day for a long time. We with our teacher and English group decided to organize a charity concert for the children`s home. The purpose of our show was to introduce children to Christmas and its traditions. In this performance I played Santa Claus. Our group was preparing for a month, to perform excellently. And on December 27th we came to orphanage to show the concert . Our class prepared the costumes, and put a make-up. All worried, because we played the first time. But everything went very well. The teacher praised us and we were all very happy that took part in this concert. It was a great life experience. We have learned to understand that it is necessary to give joy to people. I liked everything and I hope that soon we will again organize any concert!"

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