Близится время летних каникул – долгожданная пора всех школьников. И эти месяцы могут оказаться очень полезными в изучении английского языка. Сегодня отдых школьников за границей не является чем-то экстраординарным. Такое путешествие за рубеж очень способствует преодолению языкового барьера. Но далеко не всегда – усвоению правильного разговорного английского. Многие считают - неважно с кем общаться, носителем языка или не носителем. Отправляясь в другие страны, они думают, что уж там-то точно разговорятся на английском.
Но это справедливо только в отношении преодоления языкового барьера.
Начать полноценно и правильно говорить на английском вы сможете, только если поедете в англоговорящие страны. Правильный английский (а не американский вариант языка) – только в Англии! Если же вы выберете Азию, Африку, Латинскую Америку, то на улучшение языковых навыков можете не рассчитывать. Местное население в этих регионах очень плохо говорит на английском языке. В их разговоре редко можно услышать грамматически правильно построенное предложение.И хорошую английскую речь они плохо понимают. Из-за этого даже те, кто уже хорошо говорит на английском, начинают говорить хуже, пытаясь сделать свою речь более примитивной, чтобы их понимали в этих регионах.
В этой публикации я помещаю текст для перевода о летних каникулах в Лондоне со словарём новых слов и проверочными вопросами. Его иллюстрирует фильм о британской столице и учебное видео «Английского проекта» - игровая сценка - диалог на английской улице.
You've Got to Love London
From Alex Silver: «A time lapse video tribute to London, made during my final days studying abroad in that lovely city».
Music: You've Got the Love by Florence and the Machine
My summer vacations - Мои летние каникулы
I can't forget my last vacations which were the most memorable in my life. My English pen friend Isabel invited me to spend a month in Great Britain. Of course, I willingly accepted her invitation (2) to spend some time with her family in London. My parents and I rang up the airport booking office (3) and reserved a round- trip ticket (4) to London. Next day they sent it to my place. And, of course, before leaving I had to make necessary preparations: to buy presents for Isabel and the members of her family; to settle all my private affairs (5) and to visit my friends and relatives. On the eve (6) of my departure I packed my things in a suitcase. When the day of my departure came we called a taxi and went to the airport. We arrived there just when the loudspeaker announced that our plane was in and the passengers were invited to take their seats. After the procedure of registration (7) I boarded the plane at last. It was the first air travelling in my life and I was pleased to sit down in a comfort¬able armchair and relax. A few minutes later we were already above the clouds. After the plane gained its regular height (8) the stewardess (9)brought in mineral water, books and magazines. I didn't suffer from airsickness (10) and spend the whole flight, reading books and sleeping. Fortunately, the plane arrived according to the schedule (11) and my English friends met me in the Heathrow airport.
It was my great dream to visit London, the capital of Great Britain. And it came true. Everybody knows that London is one the most excit¬ing cities in the world. There is plenty to see and do there. London has many old buildings and monuments. Of course we visited Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, which stand on the river Thames near Westminster Abbey.
Westminster is a historical area of London. There are many tourists there. Westminster Abbey is the most famous place of interest and is full of history. It is an old beautiful chapel (12). Many great Englishmen are buried (13) here: I. Newton, Ch. Darwin and others. The south side of the Abbey is called the Poet's Corner, where famous British writers and poets are buried: Ch. Dickens, R. Kipling, T. Hardy. Here too are the memorials to W.Shakespeare, R.Burns, G. G. Byron, W. Scott and W. Thackeray. Another place, which we visited, was the Tower. It is situated on the north bank of the Thames. In different times this castle (14) was a fortress (15), a royal palace, a prison. Now it is a museum of Armour (16) and also the place where Crown jewels are kept (17).
Isabel and I wandered along Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park and the best known streets in London. Of course, I could not ignore such famous London sights as the futuristic park in the Trocadero Centre or the waxworks (18) in Madame Tussaud's (19). They are really fascinating (20). I made a lot of wonderful photos that would always remind me my marvellous summer vacations. My trip to London was very impressive and exciting. I think London is a fantastic city to visit as a tourist. I enjoyed it greatly and hope I'd have another opportunity to visit this charming great city.
1. vacation — каникулы
2. to accept invitation — принимать приглашение
3. booking office — билетная касса
4. to reserve a round-trip ticket — заказать билет туда и обратно
5. to settle private affairs — уладить свои дела
6. eve — преддверие, накануне
7. procedure of registration — процедура регистрации
8. to gain regular height — набирать необходимую высоту
9. stewardess — стюардесса
10. airsickness — воздушная болезнь
11. to arrive according to the schedule — прибывать согласно графику
12. chapel — часовня
13. bury — хоронить
14. Castle — замок
15. fortress — крепость
16. museum of Armour — музей оружия
17. Crown jewels are kept — там, где хранится корона с бриллиантами
18. Waxworks — восковые фигуры
19. Madame Tussaud's — выставка в музеи Мадам Тюссо
20. Fascinating — обворожительный, замечательный
1. Why can't the girl forget her last summer vacations?
2. Who invited the girl to spend a month in Great Britain?
3. How did the girl get to London?
4. What did she see there?
5. Did she enjoy her trip?
Начать полноценно и правильно говорить на английском вы сможете, только если поедете в англоговорящие страны. Правильный английский (а не американский вариант языка) – только в Англии! Если же вы выберете Азию, Африку, Латинскую Америку, то на улучшение языковых навыков можете не рассчитывать. Местное население в этих регионах очень плохо говорит на английском языке. В их разговоре редко можно услышать грамматически правильно построенное предложение.И хорошую английскую речь они плохо понимают. Из-за этого даже те, кто уже хорошо говорит на английском, начинают говорить хуже, пытаясь сделать свою речь более примитивной, чтобы их понимали в этих регионах.
В этой публикации я помещаю текст для перевода о летних каникулах в Лондоне со словарём новых слов и проверочными вопросами. Его иллюстрирует фильм о британской столице и учебное видео «Английского проекта» - игровая сценка - диалог на английской улице.
You've Got to Love London
From Alex Silver: «A time lapse video tribute to London, made during my final days studying abroad in that lovely city».
Music: You've Got the Love by Florence and the Machine
My summer vacations - Мои летние каникулы
I can't forget my last vacations which were the most memorable in my life. My English pen friend Isabel invited me to spend a month in Great Britain. Of course, I willingly accepted her invitation (2) to spend some time with her family in London. My parents and I rang up the airport booking office (3) and reserved a round- trip ticket (4) to London. Next day they sent it to my place. And, of course, before leaving I had to make necessary preparations: to buy presents for Isabel and the members of her family; to settle all my private affairs (5) and to visit my friends and relatives. On the eve (6) of my departure I packed my things in a suitcase. When the day of my departure came we called a taxi and went to the airport. We arrived there just when the loudspeaker announced that our plane was in and the passengers were invited to take their seats. After the procedure of registration (7) I boarded the plane at last. It was the first air travelling in my life and I was pleased to sit down in a comfort¬able armchair and relax. A few minutes later we were already above the clouds. After the plane gained its regular height (8) the stewardess (9)brought in mineral water, books and magazines. I didn't suffer from airsickness (10) and spend the whole flight, reading books and sleeping. Fortunately, the plane arrived according to the schedule (11) and my English friends met me in the Heathrow airport.
It was my great dream to visit London, the capital of Great Britain. And it came true. Everybody knows that London is one the most excit¬ing cities in the world. There is plenty to see and do there. London has many old buildings and monuments. Of course we visited Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, which stand on the river Thames near Westminster Abbey.
Westminster is a historical area of London. There are many tourists there. Westminster Abbey is the most famous place of interest and is full of history. It is an old beautiful chapel (12). Many great Englishmen are buried (13) here: I. Newton, Ch. Darwin and others. The south side of the Abbey is called the Poet's Corner, where famous British writers and poets are buried: Ch. Dickens, R. Kipling, T. Hardy. Here too are the memorials to W.Shakespeare, R.Burns, G. G. Byron, W. Scott and W. Thackeray. Another place, which we visited, was the Tower. It is situated on the north bank of the Thames. In different times this castle (14) was a fortress (15), a royal palace, a prison. Now it is a museum of Armour (16) and also the place where Crown jewels are kept (17).
Isabel and I wandered along Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park and the best known streets in London. Of course, I could not ignore such famous London sights as the futuristic park in the Trocadero Centre or the waxworks (18) in Madame Tussaud's (19). They are really fascinating (20). I made a lot of wonderful photos that would always remind me my marvellous summer vacations. My trip to London was very impressive and exciting. I think London is a fantastic city to visit as a tourist. I enjoyed it greatly and hope I'd have another opportunity to visit this charming great city.
1. vacation — каникулы
2. to accept invitation — принимать приглашение
3. booking office — билетная касса
4. to reserve a round-trip ticket — заказать билет туда и обратно
5. to settle private affairs — уладить свои дела
6. eve — преддверие, накануне
7. procedure of registration — процедура регистрации
8. to gain regular height — набирать необходимую высоту
9. stewardess — стюардесса
10. airsickness — воздушная болезнь
11. to arrive according to the schedule — прибывать согласно графику
12. chapel — часовня
13. bury — хоронить
14. Castle — замок
15. fortress — крепость
16. museum of Armour — музей оружия
17. Crown jewels are kept — там, где хранится корона с бриллиантами
18. Waxworks — восковые фигуры
19. Madame Tussaud's — выставка в музеи Мадам Тюссо
20. Fascinating — обворожительный, замечательный
1. Why can't the girl forget her last summer vacations?
2. Who invited the girl to spend a month in Great Britain?
3. How did the girl get to London?
4. What did she see there?
5. Did she enjoy her trip?